
Storing food safely helps to reduce food waste and keep you and your household safe from food poisoning.

There are a number of things you need to be aware of to store food safely. Storing food properly helps to:

  • keep you and your household safe from food poisoning
  • reduce food waste
  • save you money by preventing food from spoiling

Check the label

Always check  food labels so you’re sure about the right way to store your food.

Food labels will let you know:

  • if you need to store it in the fridge
  • use-by and best-before dates
  • if you need to store it in the fridge once it’s been opened – often special packaging keeps these foods fresh for longer, but they’ll go off quickly once opened, for example, those that say ‘eat within two days of opening’
  • if food is ‘ready to eat’ – if not, make sure you wash, peel or cook it before eating

If the label doesn’t show any storage instructions and it's a type of food that goes off quickly, put it in the fridge and eat it within two days.

Top tip

Wasted food is wasted money -- storing food correctly will help to reduce food waste and cut costs


It's especially important to store meat and poultry safely to stop bacteria from spreading and to avoid food poisoning.

Make sure you:

  • keep raw meat in a clean, sealed container on the bottom shelf of the fridge so that it doesn’t touch or drip onto other food
  • follow storage instructions on the label
  • don’t eat it if it’s past its use-by date
  • cool cooked meat as quickly as possible and then put it in the fridge or freezer
  • keep raw and cooked meat separate


Store uncooked potatoes either in a cool, dry place or in the fridge.

Acrylamide is a chemical substance formed when starchy foods, such as potatoes and bread, are cooked at high temperatures (above 120°C). In the past we have advised not to store potatoes in the fridge. But a study in [202?] showed that this will not materially increase the level of acrylamide-forming sugars. For more information please see the Food Standards Agency advice on acrylamide

Cupboard and pantry

Many types of food don't need to be kept in the fridge. For example, dry foods such as rice, pasta and flour, many types of drinks, tinned foods, and unopened jars. But it's still important to take care how you store them.

To store these types of food safely:

  • try to keep them in sealed bags or containers –this helps to keep it fresh and stops anything falling into the food by accident
  • store away from cleaning products or other chemicals
  • don't store them in containers that have been used for other purposes
  • only reuse plastic water bottles if they’re not damaged and you can clean them
  • don't store food on the floor, this can encourage mice, ants and other pests
  • keep the storage area dry and not too warm
  • remember that some types of food might need to be kept in the fridge once you’ve opened them – follow storage instructions on the label

Tinned food

To store food from a tin can safely:

  • put it into a clean bowl or container in the fridge once it’s opened – don’t store it in the opened can
  • don’t reuse empty tins to cook or store food – in an opened can, the food and tin are exposed to air, which means the tin might transfer to the food more quickly

This advice doesn't apply to foods sold in cans that have resealable lids, such as golden syrup and cocoa. This is because these types of food don’t react with the can.

Cling film 

When using cling film, remember:

  • not every type of cling film is suitable to use with all foods – check the packaging to see which foods it can be used with
  • some type of cling film isn’t suitable to touch high-fat foods like cheese, raw meats with a layer of fat like bacon, fried meats, pies, pastries, and cakes with buttercream or chocolate icing – check the packaging before using it
  • don't use it if it could melt into the food, such as in the oven or on pots and pans on the hob
  • if using it in the microwave, make sure it doesn't touch the food

Top tip

To cut down on plastic waste, opt for clean, sealable and reusable containers instead of cling film when you can

Kitchen foil

It's best not to use kitchen foil or containers made from aluminium (such as aluminium pans) to store highly acidic foods such as:

  • tomatoes
  • rhubarb
  • cabbage
  • lemons, limes, raspberries, pineapple, and many other types of soft fruit

Aluminium foil or containers can affect the taste of these sorts of food, especially if they are stored for a long time.

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Stop germs growing by keeping them cold. Look out for a use-by date or 'keep refrigerated' on the label.


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