Small producers and direct supply

Advice and guidance for small scale producers on relevant food law and food hygiene requirements.

The hygiene requirements which apply to food production in Scotland are set out in European Union (EU) general food law and the EU food hygiene regulations, which have now been retained as UK law following Brexit. The key food hygiene regulations are as follows:

· Retained Regulation 178/2002 (General Food Law)

· Retained Regulation 852/2004 (General Food Hygiene Regulation)

· Retained Regulation 853/2004 (Specific Food Hygiene Regulation for food of animal origin)

However, each of these Regulations contain exemptions which might apply to you if you are a small producer or if you only directly supply final consumers (for example from your farm-gate) and local businesses such as restaurants, farmshops and butchers.

FSS have produced the Small Producers - Direct Supply guidance document to help small scale producers, such as farmers, crofters and small businesses, understand the food hygiene legal requirements which may apply to them.

This guidance is intended to act as an aid and is by no means exhaustive. You should therefore seek the advice of your local environmental health officer in the first instance and for more detailed advice. You can find the contact details for your Local Authority’s environmental health department here: Contact - Local Authorities | Food Standards Scotland.

For other relevant advice, please visit the Farm Advisory Service webpage dedicated to small producers and selling your own produce:

Selling Your Own Produce | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (